Nella costante evoluzione dei mercati, noi di Autotrasporti Leoncini miriamo a fornire sempre più servizi creati ad hoc per i nostri clienti.
Lo facciamo investendo sulla qualità di un' offerta totale, capace di esaudire tutte le esigenze di trasporto e di logistica.
Mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri clienti, professionalità, competenza e serietà in modo tale da permetterci di pianificare sempre la migliore combinazione nel trasporto merci.
Per garantirvi l' intera copertura del trasporto che ci avete affidato, ci avvaliamo delle più avanzate soluzione intermodali e multimodali.
L'esperienza maturata nel corso degli anni ed il network di collaborazioni da noi gestito, fanno si che, in ogni paese dell' Europa e del Mondo, i nostri clienti possono contare su un partner affidabile e rapido, che sa darvi assistenza continua e sa lavorare con i tempi e le modalità richieste.

While markets are continuously evolving, we at Autotrasporti Leoncini aim at providing more and more services especially tailored to our customers’ requirements.
We do so by investing in the quality of an overall offering, able to meet all the requirements in terms of transport and logistics.
Our professionalism, competence and reliability are placed at the disposal of our customers, so as to be able to always plan the best combination for goods transport.
To ensure a complete coverage of the transport you entrusted to us, we make use of the most advanced intermodal and multimodal solutions.
Owing to the experience gained during the years and to the collaboration network managed by us, our customers can rely on a reliable and fast partner, able to provide a continuous servicing and to work in accordance with the timing and modes required in each country in Europe and in the entire world.

1. Product Classes transported
2. Leoncini’s forwardings during the years
3. Outsourcing continues to grow. Three companies out of four are satisfied
Is the coordination among warehouses, manufacturing and stock inventories a priority issue? 14% 40% 46%
Do you experience restrictions in terms of investments, competences, and resources to expand your business? 17% 43% 40%
Do you have problems of loss of revenues and customers due to delayed supplies? 15% 42% 43%
Do your competitors take advantage of a higher capacity of distribution to customers? 15% 44% 41%
Do you have problems in tracing the shipments to customers? 24% 42% 34%
Are you in a field experiencing frequent changes in demand? 17% 52% 31%
Are you concerned about a fast delivery of spare parts or a quick management of returns? 32% 35% 33%
Have you recently transferred, consolidated or expanded your production centres? 28% 44% 28%
Do you find it difficult to coordinate the shipments and deliveries of suppliers and carriers? 17% 56% 27%